Meri Kirihimete from all of us at Te Hau Ora O Ngāpuhi
Whakanuiā, whakataā whānau! Celebrate and rest whānau! This is a reminder that the roads are extra busy over the summer break. So please take your time, plan ahead and be patient.
Be careful around water. Ensure to swim between the flags and watch young ones while swimming. Finally, don't forget to wear sunscreen! Stay safe and enjoy the summer sun.

Ka Tika te Kōrero
Tēnā koutou and welcome to the first e-pānui post-covid for our Te Hau Ora O Ngāpuhi whānau. This will be a monthly pānui to share with you what we do to serve Ngāpuhi whānau and the wider community within the boundaries of Te whare tapu o Ngāpuhi and beyond.
You will find the following in this pānui:
- Ko wai Mātou? A kōrero from our Chair
- Housing Development- Pods dedicated to Hapū māmā
- Kaimahi Interviews outlining their role in the Community
- Te Hau Ora O Ngāpuhi Christmas parade
- Break Away Holiday Program
- Te Taki o Autahi Signing
- Partnership between Oranga Tamariki and Ngāpuhi
- Outreach events
We also wish to share different opportunities we have on offer:
- Mahi available within THOON
We need your feedback on the future of local hauora services.
- Do you have suggestions on how Te Hau Ora o Ngāpuhi can work alongside other services to better provide for the community?
- Whānau Voice is important to us! Do you have feedback you can share?
Please be sure to scroll down to the end, subscribe to this pānui, share your whakaaro and/or submit feedback.
We look forward to staying connected with you.

Hōne Sadler
Te Hau Ora o Ngāpuhi Lead ChairNau Mai Kuhu Mai, a word from our Chair.
Tēnā tātou katoa
As the Chairman for Te Hau Ora O Ngāpuhi (THOON), I would like to welcome you all to our new e-pānui. This will be another way we keep uri and our broader community and stakeholders connected to our hauora activities.
Tuatahi, I’d like to acknowledge our wonderful hardworking kaimahi who have consistently supported our people in the community. We are pleased that various partnerships have been established and further strengthened such as the Te Taki o Autahi call centre venture, our recent Partnership with Oranga Tamariki in Tāmaki Makaurau and significant housing opportunities that will boost our support for local whānau in need. We also dedicated a small pod housing project for hapū Māmā. These are only building on our aspiration way strengthen our uri of Te Whare Tapu o Ngāpuhi.
It is also with great pride that we confirm Tia Ashby as our official CEO for our organisation. Her commitment, vision and genuine care for our whānau has already been clearly demonstrated and now with her firmly at the helm of Te Hau Ora o Ngāpuhi, we look forward to seeing THOON grow from strength to strength.
As a Hauora provider who have been leading and co-ordinating a multi faceted response through Covid 19 and navigating our way through the changing face of health via the new Iwi Maori Partnership Board, Te Aka Whai Ora and Te Whatu Ora it is now imperative for us to continue our mission to “support our people not just towards better health and wellbeing outcomes, but to thrive.” All of these opportunities will help us reframe moving beyond narrow lens of health but towards oranga where we are thriving culturally, spiritually and economically mo ake tonu.
As our year enters into the Raumati season, I wish your whānau a well deserved break, a safe and happy time to be spent with your loved ones.
Ka mimiti te puna i Taumārere
Ka toto te puna i Hokianga
Ka toto te puna i Taumārere
Ka mimiti te puna i Hokianga
Ka nui te ora
Hōne Sadler
Tiamana Te Hau Ora o Ngāpuhi

Housing Development for Hapū Māmā
Te Hau Ora o Ngāpuhi supported by Te Kahu o Taonui and Te Puni Kōkiri - Te Tai Tokerau, launched their new pods dedicated to hapū māmā.
Te Hauora O Ngāpuhi are part of an innovative approach to tackle homelessness
Minister Davidson announced $24.7 million in funding support for He Ara Hiki Mauri on the 2nd of December.
He Ara Hiki Mauri is a tangata whenua-led prototype focused on providing wrap-around support to whānau Māori experiencing housing hardship. The prototype will be lead out by Arohanui ki te Tangata and Te Matapihi he tirohanga mo te Iwi Trust.
Arohanui ki te Tangata is a group of tangata whenua organisations that currently deliver a range of support services to whānau Māori across the country, including Kāhui Tū Kaha Limited, Ngāti Hine Health Trust board, Te Taumata ō Ngāti Whakaue Iho Ake Trust, Kaungunu Whānau Services, He Korowai Trust, Te Hau Ora o Ngāpuhi, and Te Rūnanga o Whāingaroa.
Te Matapihi is the national peak body for Māori Housing. The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding is recognition from the government of both the capability and capacity of rōpū Māori to deliver whānau-based, kaupapa-Māori solutions for those who need it the most.
Nei rā te reo whakamihi o Te Matapihi ki a koutou o Arohanui ki te Tangata, koutou e whakapau kaha ana ki te tū hei tāwharau mō te iwi.

Introducing Jay Hepi
Kaiarataki Lead, Paiheretia Services for THOON, Jay outlines the support that he and his team provide for those whānau inside the prisons and outside, giving insight into what it looks like to help in the reconnecting of self for those who return to the community again.
Check out the pictures from our Te Hau Ora Ngāpuhi Christmas Parade!

Break Away Holiday Program
Three Kaikohe schools have amalgamated together in a “Break Away Holiday program (BHP)” organised by Te Hau Ora O Ngāpuhi. Comprised of Northland College, Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Kaikohe and Kaikohe Christian School, this fully-funded programme is aimed at nurturing the talents of young sports people who may not otherwise have the opportunities.
Many of the students are selected and encouraged to play by their school teachers and the majority also play for the local Kaikohe Rugby Club, according to James Kara of BHP provider Kotahitanga. There were about 60 students involved in this program, which consists of rugby-focused training sessions and currently touch rugby during the warmer months.
James says it’s about ‘opening up opportunities’ and maximising the talents of participants. Teachers and community coaches have banded together to provide the training sessions which began this year. Current Northland Kauri Women’s players Alisha Proctor and Hikitia Wikaira also coached this year sharing a wealth of experience with the Girl’s 1st XV team, which recently won the Northland Secondary Schools Girls Rugby championship in Kerikeri. Other travel for participants included to Bream Bay and Kaitaia.
The program has attracted widespread support from the community and students ‘love it,’ says James. “Relationships have been built with other schools. As all our secondary schools in Kaikohe are relatively small it has been difficult to compete with bigger schools in sports let alone have enough players to field a team. Combining a team together we have become a lot more competitive this year. It gives our community, town, and iwi a sense of pride in enjoying their successes. Students and teachers from all schools work together,” he says.
Kotahitanga would like to thank Northland Rugby, Cheryl Smith and James Holmes for leading Te Kotahitanga ngā Kura o Kaikohe into the 2023 season. The Kotahitanga t-shirt (pictured) was purchased from funding provided by Te Hau Ora o Ngāpuhi.

Te Taki o Autahi Signing
A memorable day for THOON and other iwi and Māori health providers such as Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, Te Arawa Lakes Trust and Whakarongorau Aotearoa/New Zealand Telehealth Services, marks the next stage of designing and delivering equitable health outcomes for priority communities.

Partnership Between Oranga Tamariki and Ngāpuhi
What a beautiful partnership to support our Taitamariki nō Ngāpuhi.
Click on the button below to read more.
Community Outreach
To connect with the community we have had many walks, talks and created precious opportunities to kōrero, get active and share time. Keep up to date with what we have been doing in and amongst the community by connecting with our Facebook page.